A premium per Insured, determined by Safrican, is payable monthly in advance. If any premium is not paid timorously, Safrlcan’s liability in terms of the policy regarding that Insured and his/her Family Members lapses. One month's written notice shall be given in advance of effecting the rate change.
Premium increase will be determined by claims ratio.
The validity of this insurance policy is subject to the fulfilment of due diligence obligations of the Insurer and Service Provider under the provisions of the Financial Intelligence Centre Act (as amended) conducted on the Identity of client(s) or persons acting on behalf of clients as well as beneficiaries, and beneficial owners of juristic persons where applicable.
Your information will only be used for the purpose you would reasonably
expect, including; providing administrative services on behalf of your Insurer and Service Provider, to issue, administer and manage your insurance policies, to process insurance claims, to notify you, on behalf of your Service Provider, of new products or developments that may be of interest to you, to verify your identity and to confirm, verify and update your details, and to comply with any legal and regulatory requirements.
Your information may need to be shared to verify your identity, provide advice, reports, analyses, products or services that you have requested. Where we share your information, we will take all precautions to ensure that the third party will treat your information with the same level of protection as required by us.
Certain exclusions with regards to war and terrorism apply. Certain limitations may apply if you are not physically present in the Republic of South African. If you are going to be outside the borders of the Republic of South African for a period longer than 6 months, please inform the
administrator immediately.
In the case of death due to natural causes, any cover or any increase in cover has a waiting period of 6 {six} months from date of commencement or date of increase as the case may be. If the insured ‘s or Family Member's benefit have lapsed and he/she again becomes insured in terms of the policy, the above waiting periods will apply.
This benefit is available on the death of any Insured or Family Member at no charge. The benefit provides for transport of the deceased via read or air from anywhere in South Africa, Lesotho, Swaziland, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Namibia or Mozambique (south of the 22° latitude}, to the funeral home closest to the place of burial in South Africa. One relative may accompany the body to the funeral home, and if needed, overnight accommodation {one night) will be provided at no additional cost.
CALL: 011 778 8000- Provide the following information:
- Name and identity number of the deceased
- Name and code of the scheme
- Place where death occurred
The Insured may at any time cancel the policy. This policy is a risk only policy and as such has no cash benefit and there will be no refund on premiums in respect of cover already enjoyed.